February 11, 2016

February 2016

February minutes:
~ We had fun, Debbie and Adrienne taught Sharon to play the McKees new game "iota"...that was fun, and Sharon won!  =)
~Dues this month were diapers & blankets, and will be delivered to Raffa by Sharon Hunter
~A short time of Prayer was had
~3 ladies were in attendance =)
~Pot-Luck Refreshments...Valentine theme!
~The door prize was provided by Sharon Hunter, and it was decided that it would be kept and given next meeting.
~Debbie & Adrienne McKee provided the location.
~We sent a Valentine card to Elizabeth Hunter, and a Sympathy card to the Wesson Ladies.
Take note: We are looking for someone to provide the location & play hostess for the March meeting- they can choose the date & time that is best for them. (the evenings of the 21st & 22nd would be best for the McKees)