July 20, 2016

July 2016


 July minutes:
~ The McKee family volunteered their yard for an outdoor Co-Ed (bring-your-own-dinner) Diner Bonfire!
~Adrienne baked a Hot Milk Sponge Cake (from 1980's Better Homes & Gardens book)
~There were 11 & 1/2 (maybe I should just call it 12?) in attendance, (one new person- Leo) thanks for coming, everyone!
~Dues this month went to Elizabeth Wesson & Samuel Wesson they went on a mission trip to Spain.
~No door prize.
~Summer Break: we are NOT meeting in August
~You can find MORE photos on our Facebook group. =)


(The trick to make the whipped cream last a long time: beat 1c Cream until soft peaks form, then add 1/4c. Sour Cream, and finish beating. I popped the cake in the fridge for 1-1.5 hours before serving, and it looked great....They say it would last/look good even longer if you popped the cake in the freezer for 30m to 1h (to set it)....)

July 16, 2016

June 2016

Holahoop ring toss (harder than it sounds!)

June minutes:
~ The McKees volunteered their yard for an outdoor Co-Ed game night, with a bonfire!
~4 games were played:
     1) Holahoop Ring Toss (harder than it sounds!)
     2) Marshmallow Race
     3) Fill the Bottle (a water toting relay race)
     4) Corn Hole
~We had pot luck cookies & roasted marshmallows
~There were 10 in attendance, one new person: thanks for coming, everyone!
~Dues this month went to Peter & Maggie Sample-  as they Pastor/missionary a small town Church.
~No door prize.
~It was decided that the July meeting would also be out of door, and co-ed- but a Dinner, not a game night.
~You can find MORE photos on our Facebook group (here). =)

Fill the Bottle (a water toting relay race)

Would you guess  that these guys were carrying paper cups of water?

Marshmallow Race

Getting ready for Corn Hole